Cookie security flags

Why do you need to secure cookies?
One of the most common ways that web browsers use HTTP cookies is for user authentication and session persistence. Attackers can use cookies in a malicious way by doing any of the following:
- Stealing cookies that contain sensitive information such as session IDs or authentication cookies
- Reusing stolen cookies to gain access to authenticated areas and existing user sessions
- Forging cookies to gain access to authenticated areas and existing sessions
There are three common attacks that involve cookies and the above malicious actions:
- Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and man-in-the-middle attacks (MITM) are often used for cookie theft
- Cross-site request forgery attacks (CSRF) abuse the way that browsers handle cookies to perform malicious actions on behalf of authenticated users
How to secure cookies?
The HTTP protocol specification contains several mechanisms that developers can use to reduce the risk of attackers accessing, reusing, or forging the contents of the cookies with sensitive data. To use these protections, a developer configures specific parameters along with cookie values when creating new cookies using the Set-Cookie HTTP response header. The parameters affect when cookies are sent back to the server by the browser using the Cookie HTTP request header.
The following are all Set-Cookie HTTP header attributes that can be used to improve cookie security.
The Expire and Max-Age attributes
The Expire and Max-Age cookie attributes both define the validity period of the cookie. The Expire attribute sets an absolute date/time of expiration (syntax: weekday, DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss GMT
), while the Max-Age attribute sets the time limit from the moment the cookie is set.
If the Expire and Max-Age attributes are not set, the browser treats the cookie as a session cookie and deletes it when the browser is closed. If they are set, it treats the cookie as a persistent cookie, stores it client-side, and deletes it according to the values of Expire and Max-Age (whichever comes earlier).
The Secure attribute
The Secure flag specifies that the cookie may only be transmitted using HTTPS connections (SSL/TLS encryption) and never sent in clear text. If the cookie is set with the Secure flag and the browser sends a subsequent request using the HTTP protocol, the web page will not send this cookie to the web server in its HTTP response.
The Secure attribute is meant to protect against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. However, it protects only the confidentiality of the cookie, not its integrity. In a MITM attack, an attacker located between the browser and the server will not receive the cookie from the server via an unencrypted connection but can still send a forged cookie to the server in plain text.
Note that you can only set the Secure flag when using a secure connection.
The Domain attribute
The Domain attribute declares the domain to which the cookie will be sent. Note that if the domain is set, the cookie will be sent to all its subdomains, too. That means that if you set the domain to, the cookie will also be sent to and
If the Domain attribute is not set, the cookie will only be sent to the original host (without the subdomains), except in the case of Microsoft Internet Explorer, which always sends cookies to subdomains (even when the Domain attribute is not set). Therefore, the most secure way is not to set the Domain attribute unless necessary.
The Path attribute
The Path attribute declares the URL path to which the cookie will be sent. Note that this includes all subpaths of the declared path. For example, if you set the path to /login/, the cookie will be sent to and but not to
If you set the Path attribute to /, the cookie will be sent to all URL paths on the server. If you do not set the Path attribute, the default value is the path from which the cookie was set and all its subpaths. Therefore, the most secure way is not to set the Path attribute unless necessary.
The HttpOnly attribute
The HttpOnly flag was introduced for XSS attack mitigation. Without this flag, cookies can be set and read using JavaScript client-side scripts (via document.cookie). This means that if a web application has an XSS vulnerability, an attacker could potentially steal sensitive cookies. Whenever you specify HttpOnly, the browser will send cookies with this flag only in response to HTTP requests.
While the HttpOnly attribute protects the confidentiality of sensitive cookies, it does not protect them from being overwritten. This is because a browser can only store a limited number of cookies for a domain. An attacker may use the cookie jar overflow attack to set a large number of cookies for a domain, deleting the original HttpOnly cookie from browser memory and allowing the attacker to set the same cookie without the flag.
The SameSite attribute
The SameSite flag instructs web browsers to send cookies differently depending on how a visitor interacts with the site that set the cookie. This flag is used to help protect against CSRF attacks.
The SameSite cookie attribute may have one of the following values:
: The cookie is only sent if you are currently on the site that the cookie is set for. If you are on a different site and click a link to the site that the cookie is set for, the cookie is not sent with the first request.SameSite=Lax
: The cookie is not sent for embedded content, but it is sent if you trigger top-level navigation, e.g. by clicking on a link to the site that the cookie is set for. It is sent only with safe request types that do not change state, such as GET.SameSite=None
: The cookie is sent even for embedded content.
Note that you can expect different browser behaviors when the SameSite attribute is not set. For example, in 2019, the Google Chrome browser changed its default behavior for same-site cookies. Since this may change again over time, we recommend regularly checking how your applications behave with new browser versions.
How to declare secure cookies?
Here is an example of a secure cookie set using the following guidelines:
- Not setting Expires and Max-Age (so the web browser treats it as a session cookie)
- Not setting Domain and Path (to limit the scope as much as possible)
- Setting HttpOnly, Secure, and SameSite to Strict
Example of the Set-Cookie header:
Set-Cookie: sessionid=QmFieWxvbiA1; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict
Example of setting the above cookie server-side in PHP:
setcookie("sessionid", "QmFieWxvbiA1", ['httponly' => true, 'secure' => true, 'samesite'=>'Strict']);
The effectiveness of cookie security
When using cookies, you have to remember that the original IETF specification of cookies goes way back in time to the early days of HTML, and it was not designed with cybersecurity in mind. While the above attributes help with some common problems, they do not guarantee full application security. Most of them protect the confidentiality of cookies but cannot safeguard against cookie manipulation.
Also, note that even though cookie flags can prevent many attacks, they should not be used as the sole remedy for cross-site scripting. Attackers may find ways to circumvent any limitations – for example, cookies may get leaked by verbose debugging messages or the exposure of phpinfo().
The only effective way to protect against attacks on cookies and maintain web application security is to find any vulnerabilities in the application and eliminate security issues at the source. And the only effective way to find such vulnerabilities is by performing manual cookie penetration testing (which is also recommended by OWASP) and/or by using an automated vulnerability scanner such as Invicti, which can also detect misconfigurations that could lead to cookie exposure.
Frequently asked questions
What is the Secure cookie attribute?
The Secure flag specifies that a cookie may only be transmitted using HTTPS connections (SSL/TLS encryption) and never sent in clear text. The Secure attribute is meant to protect against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. Note that this flag only protects the confidentiality of the cookie, not its integrity.
What is the SameSite cookie attribute?
The SameSite flag instructs web browsers to send cookies differently depending on the attribute value and how a visitor interacts with the site that set the cookie. This flag is used to help protect against CSRF attacks.
Learn more about cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities.
What is the HttpOnly cookie attribute?
The HttpOnly flag was introduced for XSS attack mitigation. Cookies without this flag can be set and read using JavaScript client-side scripts. This means that if a web application has an XSS vulnerability, an attacker could potentially steal sensitive cookies. Whenever you specify HttpOnly, the browser will send cookies with this flag only in response to HTTP requests.
Learn more about cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.
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Written by: Tomasz Andrzej Nidecki, reviewed by: Sven Morgenroth