API Security

APIs, or application programming interfaces, are everywhere, and with the uptake of AI coding assistants the related vulnerabilities are growing just as quickly. Modern web applications are commonly made of hundreds of microservices that rely on APIs for internal and external data exchange—and if they aren’t tested and secured along with your other web assets, attackers could use them to find and exploit vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

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Stop threat actors in their tracks.
Find and fix vulnerable APIs before they become breaches.

Discover hidden and undocumented APIs

API security faces the fundamental challenge of not being able to reach hidden or unlinked files. With Invicti’s new API discovery capability embedded as part of your software development lifecycle, you can uncover hidden, lost, or forgotten APIs that present mountains of risk if left unremediated.

Cover and scan your API endpoints

Finding hidden or forgotten APIs is step one. From there, you need to make sure they’re tested and secure. Invicti covers the three major API types—REST APIs, SOAP APIs, and GraphQL—with built-in security checks and support for importing and discovering your API definitions.

Get a better handle on your threat landscape

Read this paper from Dave Neuman, Senior Analyst at TAG, to understand the challenges organizations face from increasingly sophisticated attacks, and why the Invicti platform is a solid solution.

Integrate API security testing into existing workflows with ease

APIs are defined and modified in development, which means security tools need to easily integrate into existing developer workflows. Invicti’s API security solutions plug right into the software development lifecycle (SDLC) to catch all changes, no matter how frequent, and keeps tabs on the security status of your APIs.

Scan consistently and accurately

When authentication is configured and targets are defined, Invicti’s comprehensive security checks probe your entire application attack surface for vulnerabilities—APIs included. Pairing dynamic application security testing (DAST) with proof-based scanning technology to confirm the most direct-impact vulnerabilities provides accurate, actionable data to resolve issues quickly without disrupting workflows.

Shay Chen

Shay Chen

Information security, analyst, tool author and speaker

“Invicti is Stable, Accurate and Versatile, with a lot of thought put into each of its features. An excellent product in the arsenal of any security professional.”

Troy Hunt

Troy Hunt

Software architect & Microsoft MVP

“I’ve long been an advocate of Invicti without incentivisation simply because I believe it’s the easiest on-demand, do it yourself dynamic security analysis tool for the audience I speak to. Web application security scanning done nicely.”

Scott Helme

Scott Helme

Security researcher and entrepreneur, Scotthelme.co.uk

“In my years as a security specialist I’ve used many different tools for DAST and Invicti has consistently been at the forefront of both experience and results. It’s simple to use without sacrificing capability.”

Build your resistance to threats. And save hundreds of hours each month.

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