Building App & API Security into Development
CTO panel discussion with Park ‘N Fly and Invicti
Many companies are embracing digital transformation and focusing on releasing new apps at high speed while keeping up with the latest technologies and solutions for their business needs – but also always keeping an eye on the budget.
With these challenging goals in mind, prioritizing robust security in apps and APIs emerges as a significant requirement for many IT professionals.
In this webinar, Invicti CTO Frank Catucci and Park ‘N Fly CTO Ken Schirrmacher are coming together to share their experiences on how, with the right solutions and workflows, security leaders can pin down many of the application security challenges that arise – and tackle them head-on.
Join Invicti CTO, Frank Catucci, and Park ‘N Fly CTO Ken Schirrmacher
as they share their experiences on how, with the right solutions and workflows, security leaders can pin down many of the application security challenges that arise – and tackle them head-on.
You will also learn:
- How Park ‘N Fly CTO Ken Schirrmacher & Invicti CTO Frank Catucci approach building apps and APIs with a security mindset
- What the most common challenges are for secure app development and how Park ‘N Fly implements web vulnerability testing in modern development pipelines
- How to choose the right tech stack and why SDLC integration is the most robust way to systematically cover web apps and APIs
- What shift left and shift right really mean for the way Park ‘N Fly & Invicti approach application security
- How Park ‘N Fly achieves time and people savings through AppSec automation
- And more…

Ken Schirrmacher
CTO/Sr. Director of IT
As Park ‘N Fly’s CTO/Senior Director of Information Technology for the last five years, Ken Schirrmacher has taken the company’s efficiency, agility, and connection with customers to the highest level. Over the course of his 15-year career, he has managed large-scale projects for hospitals, universities and government institutions, served as a Cloud Architect responsible for optimizing the IT offerings of multi-billion dollar companies, and received 13 respected IT industry certifications that make him a leader in the field.
Frank Catucci
CTO and Head of Security Research
Frank Catucci is a global application security technical leader with over 20 years of experience, designing scalable application security specific architecture and partnering with cross-functional engineering and product teams. Frank is a past OWASP Chapter President and contributor to the OWASP bug bounty initiative, and most recently was the Head of Application & Product Security at Data Robot. Prior to that role, Frank was the Sr. Director of Application Security & DevSecOps and Security Researcher at Gartner, and also the Director of Application Security for Qualys.