Bloofox CMS Affected by Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities Identified with Invicti


Advisory by Netsparker (now Invicti)
Name: XSS Vulnerabilities in bloofoxCMS
Software: bloofoxCMS 0.3.5 and possibly below.
Vendor Homepage:
Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Scripting
Severity: Critical
Researcher: Canberk Bolat
Advisory Reference: NS-12-015


bloofoxCMS is a free open source content management system (CMS). bloofoxCMS is a small and easy-to-use CMS. It enables you to manage websites and intranet sites in a very simple way. It is slim but also flexible.


bloofoxCMS is affected by XSS vulnerabilities in version 0.3.5


Learn more about Cross-Site Scripting here:


The vendor fixed this vulnerability in the new version. Please see the references.

Advisory Timeline

23/01/2011 – First contact
25/02/2012 – Vulnerability Fixed
31/10/2012 – Advisory released


It has been discovered on testing of Invicti.


  1. Vendor URL / Patch:
  2. MSL Advisory Link: /web-applications-advisories/xss-vulnerabilities-in-bloofoxcms/
  3. Invicti Advisories: /web-applications-advisories/

About Invicti

Invicti Security is transforming the way web applications are secured. Invicti empowers organizations in every industry to scale their overall security operations, make the best use of their security resources, and engage developers in helping to improve their overall security posture.