Getting Started

Step 4: Installing and configuring the Authentication Verifier agent

This document is for:
Invicti Enterprise On-Premises

The Invicti Enterprise Authentication Verifier is installed using a wizard.

NOTE: The Authentication Verifier Agent communicates with the Authentication Verifier Service to verify the login. You can install the Authentication Verifier Agent without installing the verifier service. However, the verifier agent works properly only if you install the Authentication Verifier Service first.

For further information, refer to Authentication Verifier Settings.

How to install the Invicti Enterprise Authentication Verifier

  1. Run the AuthVerifierAgentSetup.exe file.
  2. On the Welcome to the Invicti Enterprise Authentication Verifier Setup Wizard window, select Next.

  1. Select Browse if you want to install the Authentication Verifier to a different folder than the default folder. Then, click Next.

  1. On the Authentication Verifier Settings step, enter the API URL and API Token. The API URL field is already completed. (It should point to the WebApp URL.) In the API Token field, enter your token. You can find this in API Settings. Select Next to contine.

  1. Select Install.

TIP: For information about installing multiple verifier agents, refer to Installing multiple authentication verifier agents. 

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