Working With Issues

Managing Issues

This document is for:
Invicti Standard, Invicti Enterprise On-Premises, Invicti Enterprise On-Demand

In Invicti, you can view and assign Issues, as well as mark them as fixed. You can also export them to an external file, or send them to another system (to Jira, for example).

For further information, see Viewing Issues in Invicti Enterprise, Viewing Issues in Invicti Standard and User Permissions Matrix in Invicti Enterprise.

The Issue Lifecycle

This is how it works in Invicti Enterprise.

  • Team members create and run scans and wait for the results.
  • All detected vulnerabilities in scans are listed in All Issues.
  • You can assign an Issue to another team member from the All Issues, or any other, list by selecting the issue and updating the Assignee dropdown in the Update section. The assignee is advised via email that a new task has been assigned to them and the task status is set to Present.
  • Once a user fixes the task and changes its status to Fixed (Unconfirmed), it is moved into the Retest list and Invicti Enterprise automatically rescans the target web application to confirm the fix.
  • If the vulnerability is fixed it will be closed, and marked as Fixed (Confirmed). Otherwise, Invicti Enterprise will automatically reassign the task back to the original user, and the status will display as Present.

This is how it works in Invicti Standard.

  • Users create and run scans, and wait for the results.
  • All detected vulnerabilities in scans are listed in the Issues panel.
  • From the Issues panel, you can Ignore or Retest it.
  • Alternatively, you can configure Sent To Actions to send the issue to an assignee by an issue tracking system.