Invicti Standard – Form Authentication API
This document contains form authentication helper methods.
For further information, see Configuring Form Authentication in Invicti Standard.
click(el, delay opt)
This method simulates a click for the specified el
This table lists and explains the method's parameters.
Name |
Type |
Attributes |
Description |
string | HTMLElement |
This is the element to click. |
number |
<optional> |
This is the number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) by which the click should be delayed. Note that all delays are timed from the beginning of the script execution and do not work in sequence if there are several function calls with delays. |
// Click element by id'LoginButton');
// Click element by id after 2 seconds'LoginButton', 2000);
// Click element by DOM element reference'BUTTON')[0]);
clickByQuery(query, delay opt)
This method simulates a click for the element specified by the CSS query.
This table lists and explains the method's parameters.
Name |
Type |
Attributes |
Description |
string |
This is the CSS query that locates the element. |
number |
<optional> |
This is the number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) by which the click should be delayed. Note that all delays are timed from the beginning of the script execution and do not work in sequence if there are several function calls with delays. |
// Click element by using a complex CSS query
invicti.auth.clickByQuery('#loginForm > div:nth‐child(2) > button');
// Click element by id
// Click element by id after 2 seconds
invicti.auth.clickByQuery('#LoginButton', 2000);
executeInFrame(frameEl, code, delayopt)
This method executes the supplied code in the specified frame element.
This table lists and explains the method's parameters.
Name |
Type |
Attributes |
Description |
string | HTMLElement |
This is the frame element id or DOM reference to[a] execute code. |
string |
This is the code to execute. |
number |
<optional> |
This is the number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) by which the code execution should be delayed. Note that all delays are timed from the beginning of the script execution and do not work in sequence if there are several function calls with delays. |
// Clicks an element inside a frame
var frame = document.getElementsByTagName('IFRAME')[1];
invicti.auth.executeInFrame(frame, '"LoginButton");');
This method logs a message.
This table lists and explains the method's parameters.
Name |
Type |
Description |
string |
The message. |
// Log a simple message
invicti.auth.log('Hello world!');
login(usernameopt, passwordopt, delayopt)
This method attempts to find a login form and completes the specified credentials.
This table lists and explains the method's parameters.
Name |
Type |
Attributes |
Description |
string |
<optional> |
This is the username to complete. |
string |
<optional> |
This is the password to complete. |
number |
<optional> |
This is the number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) by which the login should be delayed. Note that all delays are timed from the beginning of the script execution and do not work in sequence if there are several function calls with delays. |
// Login using hard‐coded values
invicti.auth.login('john.doe', 'p4ssw0rd');
// Login using hard‐coded values after 2 seconds
invicti.auth.login('john.doe', 'p4ssw0rd', 2000);
// Login using implicit credentials (current persona)
// Login using implicit credentials (current persona) after 2 seconds
setInputValue(el, value, delayopt)
This method sets the value of the specified el.
This table lists and explains the method's parameters.
Name |
Type |
Attributes |
Description |
string | HTMLElement |
This is the element to click. |
string |
This is the value to set. |
number |
<optional> |
This is the number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) by which this set value operation should be delayed. Note that all delays are timed from the beginning of the script execution and do not work in sequence if there are several function calls with delays. |
// Set value by id
invicti.auth.setInputValue('Username', 'john.doe');
// Set value after 2 seconds
invicti.auth.setInputValue('Username', 'john.doe', 2000);
// Set value by DOM element reference
invicti.auth.setInputValue(document.forms[0].elements[0], 'john.doe');
setValueByQuery(query, value, delayopt)
This method finds an input element using the CSS query and sets its value.
This table lists and explains the method's parameters.
Name |
Type |
Attributes |
Description |
string |
This is the CSS query that locates the element. |
string |
This is the value to set. |
number |
<optional> |
This is the number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) by which this set value operation should be delayed. Note that all delays are timed from the beginning of the script execution and do not work in sequence if there are several function calls with delays. |
// Query complex paths
invicti.auth.setValueByQuery('#loginForm > div:nth‐child(2) > input', 'john.doe');
// Query by id
invicti.auth.setValueByQuery('#Username', 'john.doe');
// Set value after 2 seconds
invicti.auth.setValueByQuery('#Username', 'john.doe', 2000);