Various memory usage improvements to handle large web sites.
Improved vulnerability templates by adding product information when a 3rd party web application (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.) is discovered.
Improved DOM simulation by supporting HTTP responses that is translated to HTML web pages using XSLT.
Improved coverage of LFI engine.
Added name completion for profile save as dialog.
Updated missing localized text for Korean translation.
Fixed the issue of form authentication remembers the cookies from the previous scan while using the same Invicti instance for a new scan.
Fixed the incorrect progress bar while performing a controlled scan.
Fixed the issue of DOM Based XSS security checks enabled status were not being logged.
Fixed the “Cross-site Scripting via Remote File Inclusion” vulnerability was not being confirmed issue.
Fixed JIRA Send To action issue where the port number of the JIRA service were being ignored.
Fixed the synchronization issue on JavaScript Scan Policy section where UI elements are left enabled even though “Analyze JavaScript / AJAX” option is not checked.
Fixed the NullReferenceException thrown when scan is paused and resumed during performing form authentication.
Fixed the incorrect form value issue when the #DEFAULT# form value is removed.
Fixed the broken layout of input controls on basic authentication dialog shown during form authentication.
Fixed the error reporting issue occurs when log file collection and/or compression fails.
Fixed the HTTP Archive Importer issue where POST method was parsed as GET when postData is empty.
Fixed the ObjectDisposedException thrown on form authentication verification dialog.
Fixed a bug where GWT parameter cannot be detected which contains a Base64 encoded value.
Fixed a time span parsing bug in Knowledge base report templates.
Fixed an issue where some vulnerabilities are treated as fixed while retesting.
Fixed an issue where XSS proof URL was missing alert function call.
Fixed a typo on “Base Tag Hijacking” vulnerability template.
Fixed the broken “Generate Debug Info” function of JavaScript simulation feature.
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