19 Oct 2021
- Added the tagging filtering to the Scan Profiles.
- Added the license error to the scans that were scheduled by users whose licenses are expired.
- Added the fixed confirmation date to the issues API endpoint so that you can better track your team’s remediation efforts.
- Added null check for application names during comparison with the vulnerability database.
- Fixed the first seen date issue that appeared differently on the user interface and the scan report.
- Fixed the Url Rewrite Excluded Links API call by adding null response back to that call’s responses.
- Fixed a bug that prevents serialized integration information from being decrypted in some issues.
- Fixed an issue that displays the mistaken path in the trend matrix reports when different paths are scanned.
- Fixed a bug returning the 500 Error when an issue is updated.
13 Oct 2021
This update includes changes to Internal Agents. The internal agent’s current version is
- Added a new security check to identify version disclosure and out-of-date version for Atlassian Confluence CVE-2021-26084.
- Fixed a bug that results in missing HTTP headers of target URL when added with imported links.
- Fixed an issue that causes proof creation for SQL injection and Cross-site Scripting even if the proof generation is disabled.
- Fixed an issue that prevents cookie’s same site attribute from being updated which causes “same-site cookie is not implemented” vulnerability to be reported.
- Fixed a JSON Web Token (JWT) validation check that causes too many invalid token errors when using Bearer Authentication Tokens in the form authentication.
- Fixed an issue where host and path parameters in Postman collection were not imported when they are string instead of an array.
- Fixed a bug that returns 401 when the scanner sends HTTP headers in lowercase.
- Fixed a bug about cookie handling in the logout detection page during the form authentication verification.
- [INTERNAL AGENTS] Fixed a bug that results in slow response time from the web application to the agent that causes inconsistent vulnerability reports in the Blind SQL Injection.
06 Oct 2021
This update includes changes to Internal Agents. The internal agent’s current version is
- Improved the Login Banner Warning feature so that users cannot access any resources on Invicti Enterprise until they select the Accept, Continue button.
- Add the Environment field to the DefectDojo integration.
- Added the Export to CSV button on the Manage Members page so that you can download all your team members to your environment.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the scan profile of a deleted website from being removed. Now, when users delete a website, the related scans, including scan profile, are also deleted.
- Fixed an issue that prevent the scan from being canceled.
- Fixed the missing ScanTaskProfile field by adding it back to scan API call responses.
- Fixed a bug that prevents members and teams from being deleted if they have been assigned to website groups.
- Fixed a bug that allows the API member edit endpoint which accepts less than 15 characters for the administrator’s password.
- Changed the permission to view reports from Add/Edit Scan to the View Report.
- [INTERNAL AGENTS] Changed Agent request time interval to 60 seconds.
- [INTERNAL AGENTS] Fixed a bug that prevents an agent from scanning a new website if the previous scan was canceled.
21 Sep 2021
- Improved the search for scan profiles on the Recent Scans page. Added the Scan Profile Default option to the column filters on the Recent Scans page to speed up the search for the default scan profiles.
- Improved the error messages and code returned from the updating issue API endpoint.
- Added unique IDs on the HTTP 500 Error page.
- Updated a Docker agent library to run more security checks.
- Fixed a bug that prevents a website from being deleted if that website has tags.
- Fixed a bug that non-register users receive the Out-of-Date technology notification although these users have no website responsibility.
- Fixed a bug that shows a two-factor authentication page to some users with SSO login after their information is updated on the Team Member page.
- Fixed typo in the All Issues’ page filter drop-down.
- Fixed a bug returning the 500 Error when an issue is updated.
- Fixed a bug that led to duplicated records in a member’s role.
- Fixed a bug that ignored a member’s time zone setting while generating a vulnerability list in XML format.
- Fixed a bug that causes the private scan policies to appear in the Scan Policy drop-down at the New Scheduled Group Scan page.
- Fixed a bug that did not convert the remaining time for the Next Execution Time of a scheduled scan properly.
09 Sep 2021
This update includes changes to Internal Agents. The internal agent’s current version is
- Introduced a login banner warning. The banner displays security and legal notices to users accessing the system.
- Added pre-scan validations so that Invicti can automatically choose TLS protocol.
- Added the tag filtering to the Recent Scans page.
- Added the tag limitation. Users cannot add more than 20 tags.
- Added the date range filter to the global dashboard. Thanks to this improvement, users can filter scan data according to the selected time range.
- Added website and website groups information to Jira integration. When users send an issue to Jira via Invicti Enterprise, website and website groups information, if any, appears in that ticket.
- Added a check for the Trend Matrix Report to ignore null records in the database.
- Improved the method to query known vulnerabilities in Invicti Enterprise.
- Changed SCIM response status code from 400 to 409 when the same email address is submitted twice.
- Added a 400 Error message in the SCIM response status code when a user tries to change its email to a username.
- Updated the error message when deleting the website during a PCI scan.
- Added the severity level icons to the websites listed on the Websites’ page.
- Fixed the retest retry limit if the base scan is not loaded.
- Fixed an email notification error sent to guest users which showed “Failed – Unable to load scan session” error in the scheduled scans although the scan was successful.
- Fixed a NullReferenceException thrown while checking target URL in the New Scan page.
- Fixed password autocomplete issue in the form authentication saved in a scan profile.
- Fixed an error that prevents the URL Rewrite rule from being updated in the saved scan profile.
- Fixed an error that prevents scan tags from being shown while creating a scheduling scan.
- [INTERNAL AGENT] Fixed the Ignore SSL Certificate issue that prevents internal agents from being auto-updated.
- [INTERNAL AGENT] Improved the performance of security check on cases when multiple checks are running concurrently.
26 Aug 2021
- Introduced the tagging feature for websites, website groups, and scans: While this feature has been available for Issues since March, it is now available for scans, websites, and websites groups as well.
19 Aug 2021
This update includes changes to Internal Agents.
- Added the missing information that was not exported to YouTrack, Asana, and Github in the case of Frame Injection vulnerability.
- Added new property to /scans/list API endpoint to distinguish between scans.
- Added paging to auditlogs/export API endpoint.
- Added the group by parameter to the Technology dashboard.
- [INTERNAL AGENT] Increased the agent’s polling time to 30 seconds.
- Fixed a bug that prevents updated scan profiles of the Scheduled Scans from being synchronized with these scheduled scans.
- Fixed a space issue in GitLab integration that prevents integration to be completed successfully.
- Fixed the deserialization issue that threw bad requests in some scans.
- Fixed the issue of returning null response by removing WebsiteGroupId requirement from UserRoleWebsiteGroupMapping API endpoint.
12 Aug 2021
This update includes changes to Internal Agents.
- Added DefectDojo Integration.
- Added support for editing built-in sections of custom report policies.
- Added Pre-Request Script feature which helps to configure HMAC Authentication on the New Scan page.
- Added DITA STIG, NIST SP 800-53, and ASVS 4.0 Compliance Reports
- Added a new State filter on the Issues page.
- Added an option to fail Azure build for only confirmed vulnerabilities.
- Improved the statusCode and errorMessage returned from members/deleteinvitation API endpoint on cases when the invitation is missing.
- Changed roles/update API endpoint response status code from 201 to 200 to better comply with REST best practices.
- Added “Override Version Vulnerability Severities” option to Scan Policy > Attacking settings.
- Improved the error message displayed when a Website Group cannot be deleted due to it being referenced by a notification.
- Extended the range of digits that can be entered for HOTP and TOTP configuration.
- Improved global dashboard performance.
- Changed the error message for members/update API endpoint for password POST requests.
- Added a control in the UserRoleWebsiteGroupMapping API endpoint to prevent null object reference exceptions.
- Removed X-Scanner request header from the default scan policies to prevent web application firewalls from blocking scans.
- Fixed an error preventing NIST, DISA STIG, and ASVS classifications from appearing in the Issue details.
- Fixed an unhandled error that occurs while deleting scans.
- Fixed an issue where the check state is reset when the search keyword is modified on the Report Policy Editor security checklist.
- Fixed scheduled website group scans that do not use primary scan policies.
- Fixed an issue where multiple Common Weakness Enumeration values were being sent to Kenna Integration.
- Fixed the incorrect API documentation of roles/listpermissions endpoint.
- Fixed an issue where form authentication may fail because of credentials being modified when the scan profile is updated.
- Fixed missing state field on the member API endpoint.
- Fixed the 500 Internal Server Error message for a query string to a non-existent page.
- [INTERNAL AGENT] Fixed an issue where a scan policy name containing invalid filename characters was causing scans to fail.
- [INTERNAL AGENT] Fixed several scan failure issues caused by an error that occurred while trying to open the vulnerability database.
- [INTERNAL AGENT] Fixed agent attempting to use proxy even after settings are changed.
- [INTERNAL AGENT] Fixed an unhandled error thrown while archiving the scan data.
- [INTERNAL AGENT] Added NoProxy option to internal agents.
13 Jul 2021
- Added email and SMS filter to the Notification.
- Added an option to fail GitLab build for only confirmed vulnerabilities.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect scan profiles and policies were used while performing group scans.
- Fixed an issue where the State field of an issue is converted to a numeric value when the state of a revived issue is set to some other state through API.
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect Affected Version value is reported for an out-of-date vulnerability.
- Fixed an issue where editing a scheduled scan displays incorrect scan policy, report policy, and agent data.
- Fixed an issue where a custom vulnerability profile data of a report policy is not retrieved correctly when called from vulnerability/template API endpoint.
- Fixed the missing LastLoginDate field by adding it back to member API call responses.
29 Jun 2021
Added an issue tracker integration to IBM ALM (Jazz Team Server).
Prettified the outputs printed by Azure Pipelines, GitLab and UrbanCode deploy CI/CD integrations.
Added support for committing changes on the tag editors with the TAB key.
Added Organization field to GitHub issue tracking integration.
Updated YouTrack issue tracker integration to use the new API.
Improved the performance of issues/allissues API endpoint.
Added alternate mail address field (if available) to the account/me API endpoint.
Improved Splunk integration by sending the issue updates without requiring a new scan.
Improved the performance of the Technology Dashboard.
Improved the performance of the scans/report endpoint.
Updated the look and feel of emails sent.
Added Known Issues information to issues while sending to Kenna.
Improved the performance of PCI scan reports.
Added links to CVE IDs on reports.
Fixed the incorrect email displayed on the audit log when a failed login attempt is logged.
Fixed a bug where a team with the same name tried to be provisioned when SCIM integration is used with SSO providers.
Fixed the team member APIs by adding the missing CreatedAt field.
Fixed an issue where some users with the default View Reports rule cannot see the global dashboard page.
Fixed a memory leak happens while generating PDF reports.
Fixed a NullReferenceException thrown while calling the scans/new API endpoint.
Fixed an error occurs when a website which has tagged issue is deleted.
Fixed a page loading issue on authentication verifier.
Fixed the clipped user interface elements on the New User Mapping page when the page widths get narrow.
Fixed an issue where the Exclude Authentication Page checkbox does not get updated.
Fixed the overlapping logo on reports.
Fixed an issue where incremental scans started from CI/CD integrations are using the default profile if there are no scans performed to that website previously.
Fixed the Not Found error displayed while testing notifications for Azure Boards integration.
Fixed the empty PCI report issue.
Fixed random HTTP 500 error thrown from scans/report API endpoint.
Fixed missing agent groups when queried using agentgroups/list API endpoint.
Fixed an issue where old VDB results are displayed on the known issues tab.
Fixed a NullReferenceException.
Fixed connection timeout issues.
Fixed an issue where an exception was thrown if the agent Helper Service is set to use a different port on Linux machines.
Fixed an issue where the issues of a custom security check are incorrectly listed under a different vulnerability on reports.
Fixed a scan stuck issue.
Fixed scans failing on some systems while scanning TLS 1.3 websites.
07 Jun 2021
- Added support for creating Teams and Roles.
- Added SCIM 2.0 API support for improved SSO integration which supports user and group synchronization with popular Identity Providers
- Improved access control by introducing new more granular permissions
- Improved role assignment for website groups while inviting new members
20 May 2021
This update includes changes to Internal Agents.
- Added Authentication Profiles feature to be able to define shared authentication once and utilize them on many scans without explicitly configuring Form Authentication for websites utilizing the same authentication procedure.
- Added support for importing links from multiple RAML files from a ZIP file (include directive support).
- Improved Azure AD Single Sign-On in-app help text.
- Removed the Current Password field for admin users (logged in with SSO) while editing a member.
- Added “Maximum URL Rewrite Signature” Scan Policy Crawling option.
- Fixed an error that occurs while trying to mark an issue as false positive.
- Fixed an internal server error that happens while using the /api/1.0/scanprofiles/update API endpoint for some profiles.
- Fixed an issue where a deleted issue tracker integration was still keeping the old issues IDs referenced.
- [INTERNAL AGENT] Fixed an issue where the helper NHS service is unexpectedly terminated on environments with multiple agents running.