
WebRaider is a proof of concept tool to get reverse shell from an SQL Injection with one request, without using any extra channels such as TFTP or FTP to upload the initial payload.

One Click Ownage Idea of this attack is very simple. Getting a reverse shell from an SQL Injection with one request without using an extra channel such as TFTP, FTP to upload the initial payload.
  • It's only one request therefore faster,
  • Simple, you don't need a tool you can do it manually by using your browser or a simple MITM proxy,
  • just copy paste the payload,
  • CSRF(able), It's possible to craft a link and carry out a CSRF attack that will give you a reverse shell
  • It's not fixed, you can change the payload,
  • It's short, Generally not more than 3.500 characters,
  • Doesn't require any application on the target system like FTP, TFTP or debug.exe
  • Easy to automate.
Download WebRaider Tool WebRaider written for fun as a weekend project by Ferruh Mavituna and Mesut Timur, it's a PoC tool, code is messy and expect many bugs. You've been warned 🙂 WebRaider

About the Author

Ferruh Mavituna - Founder, Strategic Advisor

Ferruh Mavituna is the founder and CEO of Invicti Security, a world leader in web application vulnerability scanning. His professional obsessions lie in web application security research, automated vulnerability detection, and exploitation features. He has authored several web security research papers and tools and delivers animated appearances at cybersecurity conferences and on podcasts. Exuberant at the possibilities open to organizations by the deployment of automation, Ferruh is keen to demonstrate what can be achieved in combination with Invicti’s award-winning products, Netsparker and Acunetix.