Award-winning journalist Patrick Gray interviewed our CEO, Ferruh Mavituna, on how to find vulnerabilities in more than 1,000 web applications.
During the interview, Ferruh explains that once you publish a web application online – even if it is a very basic one – a hacker will find it within a few minutes. This highlights how important it is for enterprises to ensure that all of their web applications are secure.
Ferruh also explains that
the automated nature of Netsparker Enterprise facilitates the task of keeping thousands of websites and web applications secure. Development teams will not be overwhelmed by securing a large number of websites.
Toward the end of the interview, Ferruh also provides tips on how teams can start to tackle the massive problem of
securing thousands of web applications, where their effort should be directed, and how best to use team resources quickly and efficiently.
You can listen to the full
Risky Business Episode #468 episode from the Risky Business website. Ferruh’s interview is the last feature in the podcast, which begins at 37 minutes.