Missing X-Frame-Options header? You should be using CSP anyway

When clickjacking attacks using iframes first became possible, browser vendors reacted by adding X-Frame-Options as a dedicated security header for controlling page embedding permissions. Learn how setting the right Content Security Policy makes up for a missing X-Frame-Options header today.

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Don’t Waste Your Testing Team’s Talents – Automate the Repetitive

Many companies shy away from automated testing: it cannot replace manual testing, they reason, and so why invest so much in it? This view can be defended for user interface testing, but it falls short of the reality of web security testing, or better web vulnerability scanning. Read more and learn how an automated web vulnerability scanner can help you get the best out of your web testing and security teams

Top 10 Mistakes when Performing a Web Vulnerability Assessment

In Information Technology there are numerous mistakes, oversights, and blunders that are repeated consistently day after day. But given what there is to lose when it comes to web application security, why not learn from the mistakes of others so you don’t get burned? This blog post lists the top 10 mistakes typical web application security experts do and that you need to be aware of when seeking out the real business risks in your web vulnerability assessments: