Don’t Waste Your Testing Team’s Talents – Automate the Repetitive

Many companies shy away from automated testing: it cannot replace manual testing, they reason, and so why invest so much in it? This view can be defended for user interface testing, but it falls short of the reality of web security testing, or better web vulnerability scanning. Read more and learn how an automated web vulnerability scanner can help you get the best out of your web testing and security teams

Should you pay for a Web Application Security Scanner?

If you ask 10 web security specialists which is their favorite web vulnerability scanner, most probably you will get 30 different answers. Digging deeper you will also find that while some prefer to use free tools, several others prefer to rely on a commercial web vulnerability scanning solution. This web security blog post highlights the differences between free web security tools and commercial web application security scanners.

The Dangerous Complexity of Web Application Security

Modern web applications are becoming so complex that it is virtually impossible to check every possible attack vector and ensure it is not vulnerable without using an automated tool, such as Netsparker Web Application Security Scanner. The same applies for the modern trend of web application vulnerabilities, some of them can only be reproduced using automated means. Hence why the more complex a web application is, the bigger the need to use an automated web vulnerability scanner to identify vulnerabilities before malicious hackers do.