Top 10 Mistakes when Performing a Web Vulnerability Assessment

In Information Technology there are numerous mistakes, oversights, and blunders that are repeated consistently day after day. But given what there is to lose when it comes to web application security, why not learn from the mistakes of others so you don’t get burned? This blog post lists the top 10 mistakes typical web application security experts do and that you need to be aware of when seeking out the real business risks in your web vulnerability assessments:

An XSS Vulnerability is Worth up to $10,000 According to Google

Google are willing to pay up to $10,000 to anyone who discovers a cross-site scripting vulnerability in one of their web applications. Why are Google doing so? Definitely not by coincidence. By exploiting a cross-site scripting vulnerability a malicious hacker can easily gain administrative access on a web application, gain control over it and where possible infiltrate deeper into the corporate network. Read this blog post for more information about the impact an exploited XSS can have on your business.