About the Author
Meaghan McBee
- Marketing Content Team Lead
Meaghan is a Senior Marketing Content Writer at Invicti with over a decade of experience creating written content in the tech industry. At Invicti, she leverages the voices of our subject matter experts and insights from industry research to deliver news, thought leadership, and product information to the masses.

Scanning by the numbers: New Invicti report shows more testing means less risk

Baking AppSec into your cybersecurity budget: A recipe for efficient risk reduction

Future-proofing DevSecOps in healthcare with DAST

Decluttering security with effective application scanning tools

Secure software development: Building better software with secure practices

Invicti Insights: Getting the Board on board with cybersecurity

What automation means in application scanning tools – and why you need it

Betting big on SAST and DAST tools in 2023? Keep these three things in mind

DAST tools as force multipliers for human cybersecurity skills

The future of cybersecurity: DAST solutions, SBOMs, and APIs to take center stage